2023 GEI Production Bootcamp
In partnership with Netflix, the GEI Production Bootcamp is a daylong workshop that provides entry-level production assistant training, insight into various aspects of production, and networking opportunities.
In partnership with Netflix, the GEI Production Bootcamp is a daylong workshop that provides entry-level production assistant training, insight into various aspects of production, and networking opportunities.
GEI hosted a virtual Interview Workshop on Wednesday, January 31, from 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM PT via Zoom. Participants had the opportunity to learn tips and tricks on how to improve their interviews as well as engage in peer-to-peer feedback through breakout sessions.
GEI & the Local 800 Art Directors Guild co-hosted an info session discussing the skills needed to succeed in Local 800, the crafts and careers possible in the ADG.
GEI and FilmNation Entertainment co-hosted a virtual interview workshop. FilmNation employees conducted mock interviews with participants, giving them real-time feedback.
GEI conducted a virtual resume workshop for participants, giving them the best tips and tricks for crafting a resume and how to make it stand out. Participants also had the opportunity to get their resume reviewed by GEI staff.